Across the UK, colleges have been hit hard by funding cuts.
In January, all colleges across Wales received a 2.6% “efficiency” cut across all courses; but funding for part-time courses has been cut by 50%.
Cuts in Scotland have seen 120,000 college places lost, damaging efforts to tackle urban deprivation and social mobility.
In England, colleges and independent learning providers will see their funding cut by up to 24% next academic year.
This will affect not just just the jobs of members working in the sector, but also an estimated half million training places used by members across the union.
UNISON is part of a joint campaign against the cuts in further education inEngland: please sign the online petition and get your friends, family, colleagues and contacts to sign it too.
The scale of cuts facing the sector are just one reason why UNISON branches should make sure they are represented at the national further education and sixth form colleges seminar in Swansea on 24 and 25 April.
The future of further and adult education will be a key focus of the event – there are still places availlable and the closing date has been extended until the first week of April.
Event: UNISON national further education and sixth form colleges branch seminar