UNISON sounds note of caution on new ‘bridging’ role between care assistants and nurses

Commenting on Health Education England’s report Shape of Caring published today (Thursday), UNISON head of health, Christina McAnea said:

“Many health care assistants (HCAs) are desperate to gain new skills and progress in their careers. The principle of a defined role between HCAs and registered nurses is an attractive one, especially if it delivers a recognised qualification and career structure in its own right, and allows those that want to take nursing qualifications to do so. Unfortunately the deployment and development of HCAs has been haphazard for too long.
“But the review appears to pre-judge the level and pay band of the new role on cost grounds, potentially undermining the good practice already developed by many employers around band 4 assistant practitioners. Before determining a pay band there must be a proper assessment of the scope and potential of the role, and what it looks like in different healthcare settings.
“Any message that encourages employers to scrap band 4 posts on cost grounds could be very damaging and counter-productive, just as the review is giving us an opportunity to build on good practice to strengthen career progression opportunities for care assistants.

“We welcome the focus on prioritising the education and training needs of the nursing family, but this should not penalise those who wish to continue in their existing roles.”