Union launches charter for childcare

UNISON Scotland is calling for more parental leave and flexible working for parents; and fair pay, training and career paths for childcare workers in a new Childcare Charter launched today.

The union is also calling for childcare to be delivered free in the public rather than private sector.

“The research is abundantly clear: high quality childcare is hugely beneficial for children, it supports parents and grows the economy,” said Carol Ball, who chairs UNISON Scotland’s education issues group, as she launched the charter.

“It helps close the gender pay gap, supports women in work and reduces child poverty.

“I am calling on all political parties to make childcare a central policy platform for the coming elections and say how they will make the real change that families and childcare workers are calling out for,” added Ms Ball.

“We need to change work for parents and improve terms and conditions for the childcare workforce, as this will improve the lives of children in Scotland.’

The Childcare Charter calls for:

  • high quality childcare;
  • free childcare provided in the public sector;
  • extension of paid parental leave;
  • improved flexible working;
  • more research into what parents want;
  • fair pay for nursery staff
  • training for nursery staff;
  • preparation time and study leave for nursery staff;
  • career paths for nursery staff.


Childcare Charter [PDF]

UNISON Scotland