Registration is now open for this year’s BAOT/UNISON national occupational therapy stewards’ training seminar tales place on 5 amd 6 November at Aston University in Birmingham.
It will start at lunchtime on Thursday 5 November and finish at 3.15pm on Friday 6 November.
Applications need to be submitted, on the form which has been sent to branches, by Tuesday 1 September.
The annual seminar provides an opportunity for OT stewards from both health and local government to discuss key employment relations and professional issues.
The programme will include presentations as well as a range of practical workshops to help OT stewards with their union duties, and a chance to network in regional groups.
Applications are particularly welcome from new stewards.
But note that this seminar does not include training on the role of a steward and all BAOT workplace representatives should complete the foundation course for new UNISON stewards, ideally before the seminar.
BAOT/UNISON stewards wanting to take partin the training seminar need to be nominated by their branches.
The cost of the venue and all materials will be met centrally. Branches are asked to cover the registration fee for each delegate’s accommodation, travel and food costs.
Registration fees are:
- full (seminar, meals and overnight accommoation on 5 November) – £185;
- day delegate (seminar only, including lunch) – £40 per day.