Voluntary code ‘a missed opportunity’

UNISON is warning that the introduction of a voluntary code of conduct for support workers in health and social care in England this month is a missed opportunity.

The union wants proper professional regulation for healthcare assistants, which recognises and safeguards the value of the workforce – and which UNISON healthcare assistants have long campaigned for campaign.

The union hoped that this had come a step closer to being realised when the Francis report on mid-Staffordshire recommended professional registration with a code of conduct for healthcare assistants.

But the government rejected that recommendation for registration in favour of developing the voluntary code of conduct that employers are now being “urged” to sign up to.

A voluntary code does not have the status and teeth of a mandatory registration scheme, says the union, while noting that there is no corresponding code for employers to set out how they will support their staff and enable them to comply with the voluntary code.

UNISON members have repeatedly told the union that they would only have confidence in an independent mandatory registration system, in line with those of their nursing and medical colleagues.

The union has pledged to continue its campaign for proper recognition and status for healthcare support workers.

It is calling on members to write to their MP and ask them to support support a professional registration scheme for healthcare assistants as recommended by Robert Francis.

You can do this using the writetothem.com website.

Voluntary Code of Conduct and guideance for employers and staff