North West activists take TTIP struggle to Brussels

UNISON North West activists prepare to join the No 2 TTIP train in London


UNISON activists from the North West are taking part in two days of lobbying and protest against TTIP this week.

The five set off to Brussels today on the ‘No 2 TTIP’ train to the European Parliament, organised by Global Justice Now, and were joined by other from groups and organisations, including War on Want and 38 Degrees.

Michael Melia, Peter Thorne, Tracey Delaney and Rebecca Call joined regional international committee chair David Owen to make the trip.

Later today, they will be given a guided tour of the corporate lobbyists by Corporate Europe Observatory, before taking part in forums and seminars with activists and campaigners from around the EU – including Friends of the Earth Europe – to discuss opposition to TTIP.

Tomorrow, they will be taking part in a combined protest at the European Commission, before joining a lobby of MEPs – including those from the UK Labour and Green parties.

The UNISON members are intending to raise particular concerns about attacks on workers’ rights and the privatisation of the NHS and other public services.

Mr Owen said: “UNISON is totally committed to our NHS, public services and employment rights. TTIP is a great threat to all these things as it hands powers to corporations and undermines the ability of democratically-elected national governments to make decisions.

“TTIP is an agreement negotiated in secret by those who wish to bind EU countries into trade and business policies that many governments within the EU are directly opposed to. It is vital that this trade agreement is fought against and stopped.

“We’re going to Brussels to call for our MEPs to defend their regions, constituents and communities against the threat posed by TTIP.”


UNISON briefing on TTIP [PDF]

UNISON working internationally