Make the earth move this Valentine’s Day

Wear a green heart this Valentine’s Day to show your love for the planet.

That is the call from the Climate Coalition – which UNISON is part of – as part of this week’s Go Green Week (9-15 February), which has a particular focus on schools, colleges and universities across the UK.

This will be followed by two larger coalition events in the summer: a national demonstration on 7 March and a mass lobby of parliament in June. 

As part of the Climate Coalition, UNISON will be joining in the campaigns to encourage unions, NGOs and civil society groups to call for political leadership in the UK on climate change. 

The Climate Coalition – together with sister organisations Stop Climate Chaos Cymru and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland – has more than 100 member organisations representing 11 million people.

It encourages people to show politicians how seriously they should take climate change and to push for more ambitious climate targets at local, national and global levels.

This is a crucial year in the fight against climate change. Over the coming months, world leaders will make new global commitments and decisions on reducing carbon emissions and putting climate policies into place.

In November, all governments will gather together in Paris at the UN Climate Change Convention and agree final global commitments and individual government contributions.


Show the love this Valentine’s Day

Go Green Week in schools, colleges and universities

Campaign Against Climate Change – Time to Act demonstration on 7 March