UNISON is urging Northern Ireland health minister Jim Wells to insist that the South Eastern Trust reverse its decision to change how it provides vital meals to the elderly in the large geographical area it serves.
At present, people who need the “meals on wheels” service receive a freshly cooked meal daily.
For some, this may be the only hot nutritional meal they get daily and in some cases may even be the only contact they have with other people.
UNISON says a decision to reduce this to a delivery of 14 frozen meals plus 14 desserts once a fortnight “is appalling and surely cannot be justified”.
There may be many who do not have the freezer capacity to store these nor know how to cook these frozen meals safely
The union is also asking: where was the consultation or equality impact assessment on this decision?
Nutritionists will always state that fresh is preferable to frozen, no matter what the variety, and surely it is the most vulnerable group who need this, adds UNSION
The union is concerned for the health and well-being of the vulnerable in the South Eastern Trust, given the introduction of this on top of the reduction in care packages.
The reduction of care packages is having a negative impact on hospital discharges as those who previously had one in place must now wait in hospital to be re-assessed as if for the first time again.
This could lead to unnecessary distress and upset, warns the union, as they will have to get used to strangers coming into their home and not the familiar faces they knew and trusted.
“Surely the health sinister can see this is a double hit on the most vulnerable in our society?” says UNISON.
“Surely this proves that Transforming Your Care is clearly not working in the South Eastern Trust.”
UNISON will continue to campaign against these two decisions and urges the health minister to stand up publicly for the elderly and most vulnerable in our society by insisting that the South Eastern Trust reverse these decisions