Fair Pay Fortnight

This year’s Fair Pay Fortnight will take place between 16 February and 1 March.

Co-ordinated by the Trades Union Congress, the fortnight is set to highlight tje cost of living crises hitting ordinary people.

Working people in the UK are seeing their living standards squeezed harder and harder every year. The cost of energy, food and housing is soaring but wages are not keeping up.

The TUC says people have lost over £4,000 since 2009 and while jobs may be returning to the economy they are increasingly low paid, low hours and low security.

Click on the links below for:

more information about the campaign;

a listing of events (available from early February);

actions you can take to support the campaign – including the UNISON petition to Vince Cable to end the scandal of illegally paid care woriers;

a short video on the cost of living crisis.


UNISON’s Worth it pay campaign

UNISON living wage campaign