UNISON members working in support services in education are alarmed at the statement by the Education Minister that up to 2,500 workers will have to be made redundant next year in order to deliver the cuts to his budget. It seems there will be 1000 less teachers and 1500 less support service workers looking after children in our schools.
These young people will become the victims of the executive’s decision to cut budgets.
The absence of hundreds of school cleaners, catering staff, classroom assistants and maintenance staff will have a detrimental effect on the lives and wellbeing of our school children. The families of workers who may lose their jobs will also be pushed into poverty.
There is now a big question hanging over our willingness to co-operate with the establishment of a Single Education and Library Board structure for Northern Ireland. Our members would much rather see a united effort to secure sufficient resources to fund our education system.
It is clear that there is no economic recovery in N Ireland and that austerity measures are hurting working people. UNISON is joining with other unions in a major campaign to drive back austerity and protect our members.
For urther information contact UNISON on 028 90 270190, or Anne Speed 07904427133.