UNISON will use its speaking rights at today’s Northern IfrelandHealth Care Board meeting to challenge publicly the irresponsible and risky decisions it has taken on widespread cuts across health and social care.
The ludicrous decision by the health department’s permanent pecretary to force all trusts to ‘break even’ in this financial year is neither achievable nor safe.
To its shame, the Health Care Board is making risky recommendations on cuts that have been challenged at every level by communities, politicians across all parties, health workers, the medical profession, UNISON and the courts.
The board’s decisions on cuts were not subject to either trade union or public consultation but were disgracefully announced by the CEO in a press interview without full Board ratification at a public meeting.
We highlight two key statements which cannot be sustained and must be reversed by the board.
The first is that those patients who are awaiting surgery but had been referred to the private sector without a date for treatment have now been ‘paused’ indefinitely. By the board’s own admission this figure will be 4,000 patients by the end of March.
The second is the disturbing public statement by the CEO that the board is implementing the ‘less risky’ options to achieve the cuts. This means that patients and clients have been put at risk by the Board and this is reflected by the strength of trade union and community response to the proposals.
Across each Trust area UNISON is challenging the decisions we have uncovered to date. Much of the board’s intentions and the trusts’ intentions are still secret. The people have the right to know before the next election. No information on further cuts has been disclosed for the next financial year commencing in April 2015:
The Western Trust:
- Proposal to cut respite services for children and young people with severe learning and physical disabilities and their families at the Cottage Respite unit.
- Proposals to reduce services in Omagh Hospital despite promises to the people.
- Ongoing cuts to mental health facilities and services across the west.
- Ongoing cuts and privatisation of home care services across the west despite winter pressures.
- Job cuts across the services putting patient care at risk.
- Waiting times, already well outside target, to increase again.
- All NHS care homes under continuing threat of closure. Decision in January.
The Northern Trust:
- Proposed closure of Dalriada Hospital Intermediate Care and Respite – now temporarily halted by public power and court decision!
- Closure of Minor Injuries Unit in Whiteabbey Hospital.
- Reduction in medical out of hours services in Whiteabbey Hospital.
- Further beds cuts in Mid Ulster Hospital
- Further cuts and privatisation of home care services across the North and restriction on new care packages for vulnerable people despite winter pressures
- Job cuts across the services putting patient care at risk
- Waiting times, already well outside target, to increase again.
- All NHS care homes under continuing threat of closure. Decision in January.
The Belfast Trust:
The Belfast Trust already has a series of ongoing cuts and bed closures underway. It has not made further proposals public. The cuts already underway include:
- A further £400,000 cuts to home care services across the Belfast with no information on new care packages for vulnerable people despite winter pressures.
- Further unsustainable cuts in bed numbers.
- Job cuts across the services putting patient care at risk
- Waiting times, already well outside target, to increase again.
- Both NHS care homes under continuing threat of closure. Decision in January.
The South Eastern Trust:
- Closure of the Minor Injuries Unit in Bangor – now halted by the Minister
- Closure of a further 35 beds across Downe, Lagan Valley and Bangor
- Further cuts and privatisation of home care services across the South East area. Only 2 out of every 3 vulnerable people will get a home care package despite winter pressures!
- Job cuts across the services putting patient care at risk
- Waiting times, already well outside target, to increase again.
- The remaining care homes under continuing threat of closure. Decision in January.
The Southern Trust:
- Closure of the Armagh Minor Injuries unit.
- Removal of local stroke services from Newry.
- Further cuts and privatisation of home care services across the Southern area.
- Job cuts across the services putting patient care at risk.
- Waiting times, already well outside target, to increase again.
- All NHS care homes under continuing threat of closure. Decision in January.
The Ambulance Trust:
- Massive expenditure already incurred on the use of private services instead of investment in NHS services.
- Reduction of non emergency transport by the NHS resulting in longer journey times for patients.
- Job cuts to front line services.
It is clear to UNISON that these latest cuts are the forerunner to a massive further attack on our NHS health and social services.
It is equally clear that the people of Northern Ireland need champions delivering safe and accessible services for all. This is regrettably not the case at the moment.
We have analysed the departmental and board proposals for the next financial year and to our horror we find that the document simply repeats last year’s failed plan from John Compton.
This plan failed on:
- treatment targets and waiting times
- reduction of health inequalities particularly for the most disadvantaged people
- refusal to match services to objective need and
- the lack of effective financial management by the Board which contributed to the current crisis.
UNISON members across the NHS are determined to take action to prevent any further deterioration in our services. We are challenging the Health and Social Care Board to take a similar stance.