Police staff vote yes to strike over pay row says UNISON

UNISON’s members working for police forces in England and Wales have voted yes to industrial action over pay.

UNISON members in the police service work in jobs such as 999 call takers, police community support officers, scene of crime officers, fingerprint experts, financial investigators, detention officers, crime reduction officers, crime analysts, enquiry desk officers, trainers, criminal justice clerks, a wide range of vital operational and organisational support roles.
 The result of the ballot is as follows:
Are you prepared to take part in a strike?

YES: 59.6%
NO: 40.4%
Are you prepared to take part in action short of strike action?

YES: 79.4%
NO: 20.6 %

UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said:
“These results send a clear message that after two years of pay freeze and last year’s below inflation pay rise, police staff have had enough. And that they are now ready to take industrial action over pay.

“We are calling on the police employers to return to the negotiating table to improve the current pay offer.”
The union’s Police Sector committee will now meet to consider the ballot results and discuss next steps.

Detailed results

Number of votes cast:  7,436

Are you prepared to take part in a strike?
Number answering “Yes”: 4,320      
Number answering “No”:  2,931
Number of spoiled voting papers: 185
Are you prepared to take part in action short of a strike?
Number answering “Yes”: 5,639
Number answering “No”: 1,459
Number of spoiled voting papers: 338


UNISON has 30,000 members working in the police service in England and Wales.