UNISON represents a large number of apprentices, most of them in local government. The union backs apprenticeships as a way of earning and learning and getting into permanent paid employment.
Now we want to test whether some of the key standards outlined in UNISON’s guidance on apprenticeships are being met by employers providing apprenticeship schemes.
These standards include making sure that apprenticeship schemes:
- are properly negotiated;
- pay apprentices at the rate for the job – and at least a living wage;
- provide high quality training;
- do not use apprentices as cheap labour or as substitutes for existing jobs.
UNISON local government has created an online survey, which will also help to identify key issues for apprentices, such as pay, terms and conditions and what our members would like the union to campaign on for them.
It is vital that we get as many local government apprentices as possible – both members and non-members – to complete the survey.
Please circulate the survey to as many apprentice members and non-members as possible – by as many means as possible.
It also provides an ideal opportunity to recruit non-members into the union – why not organise meetings for apprentice around the issues, or even visit them in their workplace?
The survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7KRCZNK and needs to be completed by Monday 8 December.
The UNISON guidance on apprenticeships can be downloaded from the web. It contains advice on negotiating around workplace issues that apprentices are likely to encounter and guidance on recruiting and organising apprentices.
Stewards should have a copy of this guidance, so that they are prepared to represent, recruit and negotiate on behalf of apprentices in their workplaces.