UNISON Health workers are joining a trade union lobby of MLAs at Stormont roday - sponsored by the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions – on the outstanding matter of pay.
To date, this matter has not been addressed at ministerial level nor by the executive.
UNISON members are now reaching a high point of frustration.
The union was given to understand that the previous minister was inclined to meet in full the recommendation of the pay review body.
We were also aware that he was awaiting sign off on additional finance from the June 2014 and future monitoring rounds.
It is a matter of public record that we have repeatedly insisted that the cost of an outstanding pay award should be included in the final determination of the 2014-15 health and social care budget.
Now that there is an agreement on transitional executive funding, we expect commitment to uplift pay will be forthcoming without further delay.
Full implementation of the PRB recommendations has been costed at £15 million, as reported to the Northern IrelandAssembly health committee.
NHS staff delivering high standards of health and social care across Northern Ireland, with great dedication and commitment in increasingly difficult and stressed circumstances as health needs continue to escalate, deserve the respect of the recommendation being honoured in full.
UNISON, along with our colleague trade unions, is calling for full Assembly support for this just cause. These legitimate expectation should be viewed with total sympathy by public representatives.
We salute our sisters and brothers across England who today are taking a stand against the failure of NHS England and the Westminster government to implement the recommended 1% for all workers and are setting down a marker on future pay for an incoming government in May 2015.
UNISON Northern Ireland has not balloted for industrial action to date.
If our members are denied an increase or are short changed in any way, we will consider implementing an industrial action strategy while at all times maintaining patient and client care.