With the countdown well under way to Saturday’s demonstrations in Belfast, Glasgow and London, there’s still time to make sure that you can join us on the streets to make the case for the fair pay and justice that working people need.
And across the UNISON regions, preparations are still going on.
There will be 20 coaches from around the South East region heading into London on Saturday, plus a specially-chartered train from Brighton.
“Momentum’s definitely been building since the start of September,” says South East area organiser Kieran Pearson.
“We have 350 RSVPs on our event pages, although we expect many more to come from the region that haven’t RSVP’d – and have booked a marching jazz band to accompany marchers from the South East region, who will be marching behind the regional banner on the day.”
If you want to check out transport arrangements in the south east, you can access details of where buses are departing from via a Google map here.
In the meantime, East Midlands regional manager Dave Godson said that “10 coaches – one a double decker” are set to make the journey south and are “mostly full”.
He adds that “some are also going on other coaches,” including those travelling with the People’s Assembly.
And the region is also supplying 10 coach/march stewards.
If you are a UNISON member or branch taking part in one of the marches or organising transport, let us know why – and how your preparations are going.