Waltham Forest goes to Trafalgar Square

Dave Knight, branch secretary from Waltham Forest in London, was in Trafalgar Square today. This is what he thought of the strike and of the need to strike.

“We have about 30 members here in Trafalgar Square. It’s a good turnout for us. Our members are from schools, social services, housing benefits, mental health care. We’re striking for fair pay and the Worth It campaign.

“Our members are angry. It feels to us that we are bearing an unfair burden, particularly those on low pay in the first place, because they are often the ones who are having their pay enhancements cut. We’re all suffering, but the less you have the more you’re made to suffer.

“Our members are having to go to food banks. They are having trouble paying their rent, their mortgage. And then there are the job cuts. Our branch has lost 1,000 jobs since 2010.

“We’re really under the cosh. What the government is doing to us is cruel.

“It’s great to see the other unions today. It really matters to our members to see Unite and GMB out with us. It’s really good news.  

“I see today as a start, the start of a serious campaign against the government’s pay restraint and against the cuts as well. Today is a statement of intent. I hope we can keep the momentum going.” 

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