Live updates: 10 July strike

17.30 One last thing

Watch this film giving a round-up of the day’s action. 

Ok, I really am off now. Good night all. 

17.00 Signing off

We’re signing off from the live blog now. Thank you for sharing your stories all day. Hundreds of thousands of UNISON members were out and we received a lot of love and support for standing up for fair pay. 

If you’ve still got stories to tell please do tweet us at @unisontweets. Especially if you know about the light situation in Havering town hall (see 15.28).

16.41 UNISON members making front page news

The Evening Standard has got UNISON members on their front cover this evening.

16.16 Wales

The BBC has reported 70,000 public sector workers on strike.

Good one Wales. 

16.14 Stop demonising lowest paid workers 

Labour shadow cabinet minister Michael Dugher said it was “pathetic” that the government is acting with belligerence towards those taking industrial action rather than trying to negotiate. Read the story on the guardian site. 

16.00 Photos, photos

We’ve got 160 of your photos on the Flickr feed now, are yours up there yet?

15.55 Northern Ireland

Anne Speed, Head of Bargaining and Representation for Northern Ireland spoke at the rally in Grosvenor Hall, Belfast: “First I want to congratulate all of you, especially UNISON members who took action today, perhaps some for the first time.  We send solidarity to our sisters and brothers in England and Wales who are also on Strike.  We also applaud the post office workers CWU members who refused to pass the picket at Belfast Education & Library Board.”

15.51 Telford

Edna Hall, UNISON regional organiser for the Telford area, said many of its members were part-time, low paid staff, some of whom relied on food banks and benefit top-ups.

She said: “Many of them are just 35p above the minimum wage. They’re claiming benefits just to get by and that’s plain nonsense. You may as well pay a decent day’s pay for a decent day’s work.”

15.48 Tendring

 In Tendering UNISON members on strike had a good reception, the local council Chief Executive even made them a cup of tea.

15.39 Rotherham 

In Rotherham we’ve had lots of messages of support from Labour Councillors, one joining the picket line and others joining the rally.

15.37 Support in the Wirral 

In the Wirral MerseyRail workers bought coffee for picketers.

15.35 Postal workers show support

In Anglesey and Gwynedd Royal mail vans showed support by refusing to cross picket lines.

15.34 Brighton

Green Party MP Caroline Lucas delivered a message of support at a rally in Brighton.

15.32 Newcastle

In Newcastle 5000 people are out on the rally. Nice one Newcastle. 

15.28 Havering town hall update 

We’re not sure if anyone has turned the lights on in the town hall yet. 

(see 11.49)

15.25 Marriage in Haringey?

A couple getting married in Haringey had their photo taken with everyone on the picket line there.

Congratulations from everyone at UNISON!

15.22 Portsmouth run placard designing workshop

Portsmouth City UNISON members are running a placard designing workshop for children whose schools are closed. 

15.20 “Pay is a big, big problem”

Teaching Assistant in recent UNISON survey: “I love my job but because of the low pay I am looking for a new one. Pay is the big, big problem”. 

15.13 Support from Italy 

“The members of CGIL, the Italian public sector workers are on the side of British workers and their trade unions, with UNISON in the front row, the next July 10th will defend their right to have a negotiation, a decent salary and pension.

“On July 10th we will be with you, we will inform our members, the workers, the Italian media of what is happening in London and the rest of the UK.”

15.09 Even more support

Caitlin Moran: I support today’s strikes because I just tend to believe it when a million people say they want things to change. 

Thanks Caitlin. We like you. 

15.04 Messages of support

Mark Thomas: “[I] send salutations of solidarity to #UNISON #teambus and indeed all workers striking today.”

Daily Mirror: “It’s time to stand together with the people who look after us.”

14.52 Manchester ‘grinding to a halt’

Good picture gallery of the strike in Manchester in the Manchester Evening News. 

14.50 Even more messages of support

European Federation of Public Services Unions (EPSU) said:EPSU sends its solidarity greetings to local government workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland following their vote to take industrial action in support of their pay claim. 

Public services have kept the economy going taking in many ways including by caring for our children, the sick, the old. They have rescued and saved lives in natural disasters, flooding and fires. Public service workers provided the care for those in accidents and hospital, etc. It was not these millions of workers that caused the crisis. Why should they pay while the super-rich increase their wealth year on year? We wish the striking workers success. In solidarity, Jan Willem Goudriaan, General Secretary.”

14.43 Dave Prentis interview

“The top 1% increased their wealth by 18% last year while our members are using foodbanks to get by.” 

Video interview: Dave Prentis talks to International Business Times about David Cameron, low pay and why our members must not be left to rely on foodbanks.

14.34 Ignore the smears and slurs 

Labour MP for Walsall North, David Winnick has spoken out in support of the strikers.

He said: “Despite all the Tory smears and slurs today, those who have taken industrial action are fighting for justice, for fairness, and they have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about.”

14.30 “A few people are doing really, really well but many more are struggling”

Pat Taber, a social worker at Westminster City Council said: “I’m striking because of the sorry state of our society which is becoming increasingly individualistic, where celebrities are thought to be of more value than teaching assistants, or social workers or fire fighters. A few people are doing really, really well but many more are struggling.” Read the full story. 

14.25 Women on strike have lost so much – enough is enough

Women have been disproportionately affected by the cuts. Good piece by Lola Okolosie. UNISON female members are out saying enough is enough today. 

14.21 London

Turina, a higher level Teaching Assistant in Hackney is on strike after her pay value has fallen by almost 20% since 2010.

14.11 Message of support from Australia 

Australian Services Union (ASU) said: “It’s been brought to our attention at the ASU that our fraternal UK unions (UNISON & GMB) are working with members in local government for an increase in their rates of pay.

“We understand that the employers and government have not been able to reach agreement with local government employees and their union. This is sad to see when we know how much local government employees undertake in serving the needs of the community. The ASU is concerned this has not been recognized. 

“We at the ASU wish UNISON members the very best for their upcoming rallies and information to the community opportunities, to ensure the local government employers recognise these efforts. Along with our best wishes for your ongoing negotiations.”

14.03 Yorkshire & Humberside 

The figures are showing Yorkshire and Humberside may have had the most picket lines, with around 141. Think there were there more in your region? Let us know @unisontweets. 

14.00 Parents show support

Parents on BBC News 24 express support for teachers and others on strike, say they understand why they’re on strike. 

13.56 West Midlands

In the West Midlands there were 26 picket lines and so far we know of 102 schools fully closed and 78 partly closed. 

13.52 Over a million are out!

The BBC has reported that over a million of people are out to strike for fair pay. 

13.47 Messages of support for you

Denise Ward said: “As Chair of UNISON’s Higher Education Service Group Executive I personally wish to extend the solidarity of UNISON members across Higher Education today to our members across Local Government on this day of strike action over pay.”

13.42 Birmingham

Great Storify on the action in Birmingham.

13.38 Wales

In Wales 638 schools are fully closed; 132 partly closed.

13.32 London rally

Have a look at the protest in London

13.24 Tell the BBC why you’re striking 

Text in and let them know – 61124.  

13.14 Get an insider view of the UNISON bus

Today our Facebook page is being updated from inside the UNISON bus, which is driving around London to support strikers. 

13.12 South West region

130 schools fully closed and 120 parial closures.

13.10 Taunton

The Taunton UNISON members have put a great album on Facebook. Have a look. 

13.08 South East region 

In the South East 235 schools are fully closed and 308 partially closed.

13.06 Newcastle

Thousands are out in Newcastle. Join them if you’re there. 

13.02 Manchester

Rally in Manchester in full swing. Don’t forget to get a discounted drink from Paul Heaton later (see 12.10). 

13.01 Lancashire

We’re hearing of 43 school closures in Lancashire and 19 partial closures. 

12.59 North West region

Hundreds of schools closed across Bolton, Burnley and Bury. 

12.57 Pictures, pictures, more pictures 

We’re uploading your pics to Flickr, keep sending them in to action (@) or tweet them to us at @unisontweets. 

12.53 Northern Ireland

We’re hearing reports the zoo may be closed. 

12.51 Wales

“Our members provide the services that hold our society together. But we’ve taken a 20 per cent pay cut and vital services are being lost. Unfortunately sometimes you only appreciate your public services when they’re no longer available,” Dominic McAskill,  UNISON Wales head of local government told the BBC in Swansea.

12.48 Striking council workers and other public sector employees have a point – enough is enough

Heather Wakefield, national secretary for local government at UNISON blogs on Left Foot Forward

12.35 Durham

Most council buldings are closed, 50% of schools are closed. Libraries, council-run leisure centres, children’s centres, day care centres, Durham Town Hall and the County Record Office, The DLI Museum, Gala Theatre and Locomotion at Shildon will also be closed.

12.29 ”I’m working full-time for the council, but I don’t have anywhere to live.”

Shekou Kamara has been a employee of Westminster Council for more than 13 years, currently working as a technical support officer in its planning department.

And he’s homeless.

Read the full story. 

12.24 Disruption in Newcastle

Refuse collection services disrupted, street cleansing and grounds maintenance significantly disrupted, all libraries closed to the public. City Library remaining open for staff wishing to attend work.

The Grainger Market is closed, as is Gosforth Civic Hall, the Tourist Information Centre, Blackfriars, 4 Old Eldon Square, and Charlotte Square.

12.14 Share your pictures with Guardian Witness

Guardian Witness want pictures of the strike, upload yours straight to their website

12.10 Beautiful South singer offers beautiful discount to union members

Paul Heaton said on Twitter: “Any union member tomorrow [today] gets a 10% discount at @kingssalford on production of their membership card”.

12.05 100 pictures!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, we’ve got 100,000 worth for you. Have a look at the Flickr map to see UNISON members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on strike. 

12.03 Northumberland

Northumberland is going strong. Reports of 18 pickets at County Hall, 12 at 2 Depots, 4 at Green Acres, 3 at Bedlington High School and 3 at Riverseide Centre.

11.58 Nottingham City

Only 25% of bin wagons went out, 27 schools shut, 20 schools partially shut. 

11.57 Lincolnshire

In Lincolnshire 27 schools are shut and 20 partially shut. 

11.53 Derbyshire 

The Queen visited the picket line.

Ok, she’s visiting the Peak District National Park, where there is also a picket line. Did anyone see her? 

11.51 Support from overseas

UNE union in Nicaragua said: “Sisters and brother of the United Kingdom you are not alone in this struggle. You can count on our helping hand in the conviction that another world is possible if we walk together. We extend our hand in solidarity with our sister and brother public service workers who are today fighting in defence of their established rights which are at risk of being taken away from them.”

11.49 Havering

In Havering 13 schools are closed and 12 partially closed. And apparently no-one knows how to turn on the lights in town hall so they may have to close the building…

11.46 Chesterfield

Most local government offices, museums and housing offices are closed, as well as 34 schools closed and 29 partially closed. 

11.45 Lincoln

Lincoln is gearing up for the rally. 

11.39 Leicestershire County 

There are 12 schools closed and 14 partially closed. 

11.38 Derby 

In Derby 90% of refuse workers didn’t go out, 15 schools are closed and five partially closed. 

11.30 Birmingham rally getting underway

Are you in Birmingham? Get down there. 

11.29 North West 

Significant numbers reported to be on strike in the North West, especially in the metropolitan areas, they are receiving support from the public. Many buildings are closed and appears to be having a serious impact.

11.27 Suffolk County 

In Suffolk County 13 schools have been closed and 27 partially closed. 

11.25 South Gloucestershire

Madeleine Kruiniger, a library assistant in South Gloucestershire, was picketing outside Staple Hill library.

She said: “I am striking because I think the offer of 1% is derisory. Public sector workers are increasingly undervalued and under paid.”

11.23 Norfolk County

In Norfolk County 89 schools are closed or partially closed. 

11.22 Mid Suffolk 

Labour candidate Janes Basham joined the picket line at Babergh.  

11.17 Great Yarmouth

Three quarters of refuse lorries have not gone out today. Staff car park is unusually empty. 

11.17 Essex

In Essex County 106 schools are closed or partially closed. 

11.16 Cambridgeshire County 

Picket line earlier joined by Richard Howitt Labour MEP and Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Daniel Zeichner. There are 18 schools closed and 23 partially closed.

11.14 Calling Cambridge City

A joint rally is happening at Parkers Piece right now.

11.12 Basildon

Picket lines at Basildon Depot meant supervisors were driving trucks. 

11.09 What are you doing?

Where are you and what are you doing? We’re mapping photos of pickets, rallies and marches, send your photos to action (@) to get them included. 

11.02 Newcastle

In the news at 11am on Capital Radio – hear from the UNISON picket line at Newcastle‘s Civic Centre. 

10.53 Support from celebrity types around the web

James Bloodworth from Left Foot Forward: People who say that strikers “only harm themselves”: where do they think workers’ rights actually come from?

Owen Jones of the Guardian: If you’re on strike today, you’re on strike for all of us

David Schneider: Bloody unions. Coming over here, fighting for the vulnerable, looking after the low paid… #j10

Caroline Lucas: Solidarity to all on strike today to uphold public sector pay & conditions, & promote alternatives to austerity  #J10


The artist taxi driver (AKA Chunky Mark): Everybody should support today’s strikes #j10 

10.28, Conservative MP says politicians shouldn’t criticise turnout.

Mark Garnier, Conservative MP for Wyre Forest, says politicians are on “slightly dodgy ground” criticising the overall numbers of union members backing strike action, with a turnout of just 65% at the last general election, 30% in district council elections and just 15% in police and crime commissioner elections.

Good point Mark.

10.11 Solidarity from across the sea

Messages of support just keep on coming. Read the full story. 

10.07 Message from UNISON vice president

Wendy Nichols, UNISON vice president and North Yorkshire branch secretary: “This is a last resort for our members, who have decided to take a stand against a derisory pay offer of 1%. Local Government pay has fallen behind and many of our members are struggling to keep up with rising bills on rates of pay just above the minimum wage.”

10.03, UNISON bus

Have you seen the UNISON bus in London? If you spot it, tweet us your pics @unisontweets 

10.00 North West 

Find out what North West members have been up so far this morning. 

09.59 Plymouth

Torpoint ferry which links Devon and Cornwall closed due to strike.

09.46 Manchester update 

Marina from Manchester said: “I’m on strike because our pay has dropped 20% in real terms. Time to draw a line in the sand”. People are joining UNISON at Manchester picket lines. 

09.45 Support from UNISON members

The UNISON Health service group executive said: “UNISON’s Health service group is supporting our colleagues in local government and schools who are taking industrial action over pay.

“Hard working staff across the public sector have seen relentless attacks on their pay, with years of pay freezes and below inflation increase whilst the cost of living continues to rise.

“Unfortunately our members in health know only too well of the struggles that our local government colleagues are going through, many of which lay awake at night worrying about how they will make ends meet.

“Now is the time to say enough is enough! We will support our colleagues all the way in their fight for fair pay.”


09.42 Tell the BBC why you’re striking (again)

Do you support the strike? Radio 5 wants to know 0500 909 693 text 85058

09.39 We deserve a bigger slice

Members of UNISON have staged a demonstration outside Parliament, holding up giant “slices of bread” to symbolise that workers want more than a 1% slice of the pay bill. Dave Prentis was there to tell reporters “enough is enough.” Read the full story. 

09.35 Messages of support flooding in 

We are receiving messages of support from across UNISON. Helen Oliver, Chair of UNISON National Young Members’ Forum said: “The National Young Members Forum wishes to express its solidarity with all those taking strike action on 10 July to win a better deal for local council and school support workers.

“This is a vitally important dispute – not just in terms of our members being paid fairly, but also in terms of their families, their communities, and the services they provide.

“For young workers in particular, who are often on the lowest pay, it means an opportunity to tell the employers that we cannot afford to continue on the basis of poverty pay.”

09.28 Public sector workers have been ‘locked out’ of the economic recovery

Frances O’Grady, general secretary of the TUC, said public sector workers have been ‘locked out’ of the economic recovery. 

09.24 “They’re using us to pay for the crisis.”

Find out why UNISON members are on strike in the London borough of Camden. Read the story.

09.09 Largest strike in three years 

The Guardian reports this is the largest strike in three years, one million out on the streets. Keep going UNISON members and everyone else. We deserve fair pay. 

09.01 Disruption in Leicester

Adult social care centres, galleries, museums, leisure centres and many council offices across Leicester have been shut down. 

08.52 Together we are strong

Messages of support have been flooding in from around the union for local government and schools colleagues on strike today in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Read the story. 

 08.23 Twitter supports the strike!

“@unisontweets good luck to all those taking strike action. I am striking today bec david cameron is destroying the public sector.#J10″

“@BBCCornwall @CornwallCouncil @unisontweets @swtuc good on them. Beep beep!”

“Solidarity with all striking today #J10 @pcs_union @NUTonline@fbunational @unitetheunion @GMB_union @unisontweets”

“Great response from public to @unisontweets leaflets on Euston Rd #J10″

08.17 The UNISON bus is on its way round London 

If you spot the purple bus please take a picture and tweet it to @unisontweets or tag us on Facebook. 

08.14 North East update

In most North East councils, refuse collections, libraries; job and care centres; museums; pools & leisure centres hit, reports BBC’s Luke Walton. 

08.06 Tell the BBC why we’re on strike

Email with the subject line ‘strike’.

08.03 LBC ask on Twitter if the strike is justified 

LBC: “More than a million public sector workers are expected to strike today. Is it justified?” Tweet your response to @LBC.

08.01 Picket line in Enfield

On the picket line in Enfield, north London, Tracey Adnan, a teaching assisstant at a special needs school explains whey she is taking action: “I have had a 9% pay cut since 2010, my bills have continued to rise, and I’m fiding it hard to make ends meet.

“Some of my colleagues are having to do 2 or even 3 jobs to make ends meet. In my line of work it is mainly women and we are being very hard hit.

Many of the women I work with are often the sole earner in the family.”

07.59 “I have never been so broke.”

Janey, a school worker said “I am 38 years old and have worked since I was 16, yet I have never been so broke.”

07.56 School closures in Walsall

There are 49 closed or partially closed in Walsall, out of 128 in the borough.

07.51 Library strike

UNISON member Ian Anstice blogs on the strike and library services

07.37 Disruption in Bolton

Schools are closed and council services cancelled today as thousands of local workers strike over pay and pensions in one of the largest walkouts the town has ever seen, reports the The Bolton News

07.11 Disruption in Wales

Bute tunnel in Cardiff is closed due to the strike

07.10 Dave Prentis on Good Morning Britain 

Dave makes the case for fair pay.

07.09, BBC News covers the strike

Catch the story on the BBC now. Francis Maude will be speaking about the strike in the next few minutes. 

07.03, “Give our guys a decent rise”

Paul Whitby, a recycling loader and UNISON convenor at Veolia Old Kent road said “What I’d like is a decent pay rise for our members. Over the last five years all we’ve had is one per cent. We feel the government and council should get together and give our guys a decent rise.”

06.45, Good morning!

Good morning UNISON. Today’s the day. Across the UK thousands of UNISON members working in local government are on strike for fair pay. We’ll be live-blogging the day’s events from here so keep checking back. 


Some of the rallies and marches taking place:

10am: Hull
Event: Joint union march and rally
Location: 10am meet at UNISON building, 39 Alfred Gelder Street – march to rally in City centre

10.30am: Birmingham
Event: Joint union rally
Location: Assemble 11.30am Victoria Square. Speakers include UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis and UNISON President Lucia McKeever

10.30am: Exeter
Event: Rally
Location: Assemble 10:30am Belmont Park, EX1. Speakers include UNISON assistant general secretary, Roger McKenzie

10.30am: Liverpool
Event: Joint union march and rally – Pier Head to rally at St Georges Hall Plateau
Location: Assembly at 10.30am at Pier Head. Set off at 11am to St Georges Hall Plateau. Rally 12.30pm to 1.30pm

11am: Newcastle
Event: Joint union march and rally
Location: Laing Art Gallery New Bridge Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8AG. Joint rally with UNISON, GMB, UNITE , PCS and possibly the FBU and rail unions

11am: Preston
Event: Joint union march and rally – from Lune Street to rally in Flag Market
Location: Assembly at 11am at Lune Street. Set off at 11.45am. Rally in Flag Street 12 noon to 1pm

11.30am: Greater London
Event: SERTUC march and rally – from BBC Great Portland Place to Trafalgar Square for rally
Location: Assembly 11.30am outside BBC Great Portland Street Set off at 12 noon to march to Trafalgar Square. Rally from 1pm to 2pm

12noon: Cardiff, Cymru/Wales Cardiff
Event: Joint union rally
Location: Temple of Peace, Edward VII Avenue in Cardiff. 12noon-1pm

12.30pm: Manchester
Event: Joint union rally
Location: Piccadilly Gardens 12.30pm=1.30pm

12.30pm: Swansea
Event: Joint union rally
Location: Castle Square – 12.30pm

Click on the map to find out about more events.