NI healthcare complaint figures

The Northern Ireland Department of Health has released its annual report on formal complaints about the health and social care system, which shows that numbers have increased.

Reacing to the report, UNISON Northern Ireland regional secretary Patricia McKeown says: “It comes as no surprise that the numbers have increased.

“The report only deals with formal complaints which they consider warrant a reply.  There is no record of all of the other complaints received in a system which is failing to meet its targets in all key areas as a result of seven years of cutbacks.

“This report is now in the public domain without any proper comment or analysis.  It cannot be used to paper over the cracks in our health system.

“Disturbingly, other key reports have not been made public by the Department of Health.  Those reports directly relate to the growing number of complaints from the public.

“There is no report on the number and nature of Adverse Incidents formally reported by NHS staff. This is despite the fact that UNISON has continually called for a formal public process for dealing with them. 

“They run into many thousands.  Failure to deal with them leaves the public at risk.

“The latest monitoring report on the use of agency staff, medical and non-medical, has not been released.  The most up to date report on the department’s website only covers the quarter to March 2013.  

“It shows that £40m was spent on hiring agency workers rather than replacing permanent vacancies.  This is an issue which is currently hitting the headlines in England and creates a further risk to patient and client care.

“The other significant report missing from the department’s website is the latest staff survey which demonstrates the pressures health staff are working under and records high levels of unpaid working, strained relationships, feelings of being undervalued by the system and unacceptable levels of violence.”