With just a few days left until the joint union NHS Day of Protest on Thursday, members around the country are preparing to demonstrate their anger at the health secretary’s treatment of them over pay – and social media is just one way that we can use to get the message across.
UNISON has produced a number of infographics that branches can use online as well as in newsletters.
You can find the first two in the resources section of the NHS pay campaign pages on our website. Download them now and use them in your social media campaigning – and watch out for more being rolled out in the same place.
But in order to help boost the online message, keep an eye on @unisontweets and be prepared to pass on the message to all your followers.
Obviously we want to get the protest trending, so please use the hashtags #5Jun and #NHSpay.
The impact of the health secretary’s insulting refusal to agree that all NHS staff should get even a meager 1% pay rise this year won’t just be felt by staff, but will impact too on patients.
That’s why we’re working with other health unions on 5 June under the umbrella of the ‘All together for the NHS’, and it’s at the heart of the message we’re spreading: that if people want a quality NHS, then they need a quality NHS workforce that is respected and paid fairly.
There is plenty more that you and your branch can do as well as arranging local events and making sure we make a mark online.
UNISON is still promoting the e-petition started by the health service group executive – use the link below.
And a model petition sheet to be used locally can be found on the resources section of the NHS pay campaign pages, along with many other resources that should help your campaigning.
Remember to let your union know what events you are planning for 5 June by emailing ourNHS@unison.co.uk.
NHS pay resources page – includes infographics and model petition