Health members from the George Eliot NHS trust and Coventry and Warwickshire health branches will will be handing out pay packets full of peanuts to staff on Thursday, as part of the UNISON NHS Day of Protest against the government’s derisory pay offer for NHS staff.
They will also be delivering a giant cheque, made out to NHS staff for £0, to local MPs Marcus Jones and Dan Byles.
UNISON’s George Eliot branch secretary Dawn Downes explained: “We are delivering a giant cheque to our local MPs on 5 June to request they raise our message on behalf of NHS staff in Nuneaton – because NHS staff are worth more.”
And she continued: “We will also be handing out wage packets to staff – some empty and some with peanuts inside – because this is in effect what this government is offering our members, while MPs are given an 11% increase.
“And we will be asking the public who they believe is worth the most.”
You can follow UNISON George Eliot on Twitter @gehUNISON.