Dave Prentis has delivered a strong call to action to UNISON activists to make sure next week’s local government and school support staff strike is successful.
Local government and school workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland voted for strike action after rejecting the employers’ pay offer of just 1%. The first strike day will take place on Thursday 10 July.
Having won a yes vote for action, the union’s general secretary says “we now need to make sure that the strike is strong and effective and achieves our aim of making the employers come back to the negotiating table”.
Dave Prentis admitted that taking strike action is “not easy for members or the union” but added: “UNISON members – along with GMB and Unite – have decided that ‘enough is enough’ and that strike action is necessary to make the employers see sense.”
He urges stewards and reps to work with the union to get the maximum possible turnout: ”We have to convince them that it’s the strength of turnout that will make the strike successful.
“Tell members that a large turnout will send a clear message to the employers that they must improve their offer and show members the respect they deserve.”
The general secretary finishes by stressing that UNISON will be putting “all its resources into making sure that our members on NJC pay and conditions – the worst in the public sector – make this action a huge success and get the employers back to the negotiating table”.