UNISON has welcomed a “victory for common sense” in Wales after Bridgend council reversed a decision to freeze pay for all but the lowest paid of its staff.
The council had been looking at offering 1% to staff earning less than £14,880 a year, while freezing pay for everyone else.
It has now changed its mind, leading UNISON Cymru/Wales head of local government to comment: “Since 2010, our members have had a three-year freeze followed by a below inflation settlement in 2013 and in-work poverty and the cost of living crisis is a painful reality for a growing number.
“For these people, this decision will come as a small but welcome respite.”
The move follows a joint commitment by the council and unions at the beginning of May to “to consider a number of alternative ideas put forward by the trade unions for achieving the savings”.
Earlier news items
Unions and Bridgend council issue joint statement on pay proposals (1 May)
UNISON pledges to fight Bridgend council on pay bargaining (10 Aprl)
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