UNISON members working as carers in Barnet, north London, are set to strike to defend their pay and the service they provide.
The members have been threatened with a 9.5% cut to their pay – and that follows earlier cuts to shift allowances.
In February 2012, the council transferred care services for disabled adults to a local authority trading company called Your Choice Barnet.
Since then, there has been a sharp increase in the numbers of agency staff and zero hours contracts being used to deliver services as the company tries to cut costs.
A strike ballot, which closed last week, saw a 100% vote for industrial action.
UNISON branch secretary John Burgess said: “Our members have always been clear they are fighting for their jobs and the future of the service. We are now seeking an urgent meeting with Your Choice Barnet to see if talks can avert having to take strike action.”
General secretary Dave Prentis stated: “Your Choice Care workers are fighting to preserve a service to some of the most vulnerable people in society and I want express my admiration and solidarity for a brave and principled group of people.
“Many of our members have said that the 9.5% cut in pay will mean they simply will not be able to pay their bills and some would struggle to keep their homes.
“This outstanding strike ballot of 100% for strike action shows they have the courage and determination to fight for these critical frontline services.”