UNISON challenges Caerphilly council’s outsourcing proposals

UNISON has criticised Caerphilly County Borough Council’s recommendation to outsource the construction, project management and contract management for the building of the proposed new secondary school at Oakdale.

UNISON maintains that there are currently expertise available within the council to manage this project and that the plans could lead to the permanent loss of up to five members of staff.

“Experience and research tells us that outsourcing often leads to spiralling costs,” said Caerphilly UNISON branch secretary Gary Enright. “Actually, a recent report by APSE indicates that outsourcing projects such as these can lead to the project costing up to three times as much as originally forecast.

“What is particularly difficult to stomach in this case is the fact that there are staff currently employed by the council who are more than capable of undertaking this work, and to a very high standard.

“If the council agree to proceed down this route we will see the loss of up to five jobs and this will have a detrimental impact on other projects currently underway, as well as for those employees affected and their families.

“It seems that public services can get lulled into the false sense of security that they are outsourcing projects such as these to a more qualified and able body.

“This is just not the case. Our members working in this area come with a deep understanding of the public sector ethos and we are certain that they will provide better value for money.

“We are urging the council not to accept these plans and to look at the track record and have faith in their workforce rather than inflicting job loss and facing the very real risk of throwing tax payers’ money down the drain.”


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