Peter speaks to all the staff, but why the long face at Gressenham Rural life museum? #joinunison #organisedworkplace
— UNISON Eastern (@UNISONEastern) May 2, 2014
Recruitment activities are springing up across the UK this week as UNISON’s Make May Matter recruitment push gets into gear.
With TV adverts running and Metro newspaper ads about to start, the campaign is getting underway in every region.
Here’s just a taste of the activities planned this week:
Last week, UNISON recruiters visited Gressenhall Rural Life Museum among other less rural sites!
UNISON staff and activists will be talking to potential members in schools, hospitals, care homes and ambulance stations in each of the six counties of the region this week.
A small team of staff has been supporting local reps in East of England Ambulance branch by touring every ambulance station, talking to our members and recruiting more – and more reps too.
UNISON will have a presence at induction sessions for new staff and a programme of schools visits continues to bring us new members and new activists.
The region continues to organise around social care, in schools, hospitals, universities and local authority workplaces.
East Midlands
The East Midlands recruitment campaign got off to a flying start last week with a ‘Pram Push’ in the centre of Leicester campaigning to save the Sure Start centres.
Members have now collected enough signatures on a petition to force a council debate but UNISON made sure that recruiting new members was part of the activity.
Leicestershire County branch are gearing up for a launch of an Apprentices Charter this Thursday and will use it to make sure non-members are approached to hear about what the union is doing.
And in Health this week, Nottinghamshire Healthcare and South Derbyshire Health branches are recruiting in Lings Bar and Kingsway hospitals talking to staff about why they need a union now more than ever before.
Greater London
It’s a big week for recruitment in Greater London with recruitment activities planned in every branch between 6-16 May. The focus will be on pay campaigning – with special stickers and lanyards used to get new members involved.
Activity is planned at the University of North Durham Hospital, Newcastle Hospitals, Gateshead College, Middlesbrough council, Gateshead Civic Centre, Darlington council, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gateshead and a range of schools in Northumberland. There’s more, but we can’t list them all – let us know what we missed!
Northern Ireland
Teams are recruiting around local issues relating to pay for health workers and education teams are focusing on schools and boards.
North West
This week, the region is kicking off a three week period of intensive recruitment across all health branches in the north west.
Events are planned at Perth Royal Infirmary; Ellen’s Glen House; Findlay House; recruitment stall at Borders Health; street recruitment event for Eildon Housing along with campaigns aimed at classroom assistants and home carers in Aberdeenshire, and a recruitment stall at Broomhill, East Dunbartonshire.
South East
Recruitment activities planned this week for Basingstoke Hospital, Royal Berks Hospital, Southern Water Durrington, SSE Penner Road and Heatherwood.
South West
In the South West, UNISON will be organising a late-night walkaround to recruit night workers at Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.
Yorkshire and Humberside
Organisers and local activists aim to walk “every ward, every day, every shift” at Calderdale and Huddersfield Hospitals this week while Bradford health branch are offering new members a £10 high street gift voucher.
There is recruitment activity this week at Unsain Sir Fon/Anglesey County and hospitals in North Wales and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board with day or night events planned to recruit both day and night shift workers.
What’s happening in your workplace?
If your activity isn’t here, let us know about it – and your recruitment activity over the next couple of weeks. If you are tweeting: use the hashtags #joinUNISON and #MakeMayMatter and we’ll share your news.