UNISON, the UK’s largest union, is today calling on the Chancellor to lift the pay cap on public service workers or face the consequences. The union is demanding a “fairness package” for public services including a job cuts moratorium as well as a pay rise to match inflation in 2014/15. In addition the union is looking for a range of benefit increases to help the the lowest paid, underemployed and unemployed.
Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, said:
“There is growing anger and frustration amongst UNISON members over the Government’s continuing attacks on their pay. Public service workers have seen the value of their wages fall dramatically, leaving families struggling to cope with the cost of everydayessentials such as food and fuel.
“I am outraged at the way the Coalition is treating nurses, paramedics, healthcare assistants, cooks and cleaners – denying 60% of NHS workers a pay rise this year. Local Government workers are equally frustrated. They are the backbone of local services and for the most vulnerable people in our communities, but are still left waiting for even a miserly 1% offer.
“It is even more galling for members when they can see the bonus culture very much alive and kicking. Barclays announced today they are dishing out a £32m bonus pool to its top dozen executives – just the latest in a long line of business directors andbankers talking up pay rates and enjoying a shares bonanza.
“It s time to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough. We are cleaning our membership records and preparing for strike action. If the Government continues to square up to public service workers they will get the response they are looking for.”
UNISON’s budget – investing in the future: jobs, public services and growth