Renfrewshire signs up to Ethical Care Charter

Renfrewshire council in Scotland has become the latest local authority to commit to supporting UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter for  homecare services today – world social work day.

The charter sets minimum standards to protect the dignity and quality of life for people who need homecare.

It commits councils to buying homecare only from providers who give workers enough time, training and a living wage, so they can provide better quality care for thousands of service users who rely on it.

“UNISON members working in Renfrewshire council are proud that their council is leading by example, committing to our charter that tackles the problems with homecare contracts head on,” commented Renfrewshire UNISON branch chair Mark Ferguson, who also chairs  the union’s Scottish local government committee.

“Making this commitment to decent employment conditions for care workers is all about improving the quality of life for the people they care for.

“A living wage, more secure employment and time to care will help make it possible for dedicated care workers to stay in the job and focus on giving the best possible care.”

Renfrewshire council ceader Mark Macmillan added: “I am delighted to be able to support UNISON’s Ethical Homecare Charter.

“Home carers do a vital job helping older and vulnerable residents live with dignity and independence in their own home.

“We believe clients benefit from a higher quality of care when properly rewarded home carers take pride in the work they do. 

“Renfrewshire council pays its own home care workers the living wage and we successfully negotiated with employers in the private sector to pay their 300 staff the living wage too.”

Ethical care councils pledge to commission care only from providers who:

  • give workers the freedom to provide appropriate care and the time to talk to their clients;
  • allocate clients the same homecare worker(s) wherever possible;
  • do not use zero hour contracts;
  • pay the living wage of £7.65 an hour;
  • pay homecare workers for their travel time, their travel costs and other necessary expenses such as mobile phone use;
  • schedule visits so that homecare workers are not forced to rush their time with clients or leave their clients early to get to the next one on time.

Dave Watson, UNISON Scotland’s head of bargaining and campaigns, said: “UNISON Scotland congratulates Renfrewshire council and the hard work of UNISON members.

“It is a real example how unions work in partnership with councils to make sure we really deliver for those we care for. It’s also a positive response to the issues raised by care staff in our recent Scotland – it’s time to care report.”


Ethical Care Charter [PDF]

Scotland – it’s time to care report [PDF] (link opens in new window)

UNISON Scotland

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