Reading Borough Council committed itself to decent employment conditions and care standards by becoming the latest local authority to sign up to UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter this morning
UNISON developed the charter n 2012 after a nationwide survey of homecare staff revealed that a picture of a committed but poorly-paid and treated UK workforce, which does its best to maintain good levels of quality care in a system that is in crisis.
By signing up to the charter, and by becoming an ethical care council, Reading has pledged to commission care only from providers who will:
- schedule visits so that homecare workers are not forced to rush their time with clients or leave their clients early to get to the next one on time;
- match the time allocated to visits to the particular needs of the client;
- allocate clients the same homecare worker(s) wherever possible;
- use contracts that are appropriate for individual homecare workers;
- pay the living wage;
- pay homecare workers for expenses such as their travel time and travel costs.
Reading’s lead member for adult social care, Councillor Rachel Eden, said: “Ensuring dignity, quality and choice for older and disabled people using home care is only possible if their carers are also being treated fairly.
“This charter marks the commitment from Reading Borough Council to work with UNISON and care providers so that homecare contributes to a fulfilling life for residents who need it and provides a decent living for carers.”
UNISON head of local government Heather Wakefield said: “UNISON welcomes this very positive step by Reading Council. Making this commitment to decent employment conditions for care workers is all about improving the quality of life for the people they care for.
“A living wage and more secure employment make it possible for dedicated care workers to stay in the job and focus on giving the best possible care.”
The signing of the Ethical Care Charter came after the council pledged – at a ‘Tackling Poverty’ conference in November – to work, wherever possible, with contractors and other employers to achieve the Reading Living Wage.