UNISON Cardiff county branch will be protesting alongside Cardiff Youth Council this Saturday (25 Jan) against cuts to the city’s youth services.
The branch is in full support of Cardiff Youth Council’s campaign, which opposes cuts to youth services and highlights the impacts that cuts to these services could have. Cardiff Council will be making £50 million worth of cuts during 2014-15.
The branch’s Lynn Landeg said: ”We are in very real danger of losing a generation of young people to austerity.
“We know that youth unemployment is soaring, that the cost of living is rising and that young people are feeling more disconnected than ever before.
“Any cuts that the council decides to make to youth services are short sighted and will have a catastrophic impact on the future of this city.
“Youth services are all too often undervalued but, in fact, they provide development, skills, and opportunities to many young people who might otherwise slip through the net.
“We owe it to the youth of Cardiff and the communities in which they live to defend youth services.
“Put simply, Cardiff and the local economy cannot afford the cost of a lost generation. A lack of investment in youth services will be no good for the youth of Cardiff and will undoubtedly have a ripple effect on the entire city.”