New phone number for UNISON

UNISON is changing its main contact number.

From January 2014, UNISON will be using a new freephone number – 0800 0 857 857 – instead of the current 0845 number.

This number will cover both our UNISONdirect helpline and the central switchboard number for contacting UNISON head office and regions.

The 0800 recruitment hotline number used on our recruitment materials stays the same.

Branches should start to use the new number on any regular communications and materials they are producing – although the old number will continue to work for up to a year to make sure that anyone using old contact details still gets through to the union.

If you currently use the 0845 number on your branch stationery, there’s no need to immediately replace it – just add a standard line of text into the body of the letter giving the new number.

When you do want to update your stationery, you can order online using our online print service.

Similarly, the new number will be gradually fed into all our publicity materials as they are reprinted.

Online print service to order branch stationary (opens in new window)