UNISON members working in youth and community have voted to accept a 1% pay offer on all pay points following a consultation with members covered by the youth and community work joint negotiating committee.
Workers voted to accept the pay offer by 55% to 45% after the union’s nationa committee put the offer to members as the best achievable by negotiation.
The union made clear that the offer was not a good one and did not meet the needs of members, but that sustained, all-out strike action would be needed to get an improved offer.
Unite, the other major union on the joint committee, consulted its members around the same time as UNISON.
Unite members voted to reject the pay offer, by 66% to 34%. However, Unite has decided not to pursue any action over this year’s pay.
The joint unions will be meeting shortly to decide a formal joint position.
“It is likely that the meeting will focus mainly on agreeing a strong joint campaign for 2014/15 with a demand for a pay increase which reflects the massive drop in living standards experienced by members, as well as their hard work and commitment,” says UNISON senior national officer Mike Short.
“Even if the 1% offer is accepted by the joint unions, youth and community workers have suffered a real-terms pay cut in all but one year since 2006.
“In addition, some workers will still earn less than the living wage – the minimum level needed for a decent standard of living.
“As a result, members’ living standards have fallen dramatically, while they continue to provide an excellent service, in the face of massive funding cuts and job losses.
“It is clear that a strong campaign for fair pay will be needed next year.”
UNISON is asking to make sure that members covered by the youth and community workers joint negoation committee are made aware of consultation result.
The national committee is calling for members’ and branches’ views and input into next year’s pay campaign.
Please pass on any comments to your regional representatives on the committee or email Marilyn Bailey at m.bailey@unison.co.uk if you’re not sure who represents your region on the committee.