UNISON is consulting local government branches in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on the NJC pay claim for 2014/15.
The union’s NJC Committee believes that our core objectives should be to restore pay levels and ensure that the Living Wage becomes the basic rate of pay in local government.
National secretary for local government Heather Wakefield said:
“UNISON is calling time on poverty pay in local government and the options which branches are consulting on for the 2014/15 NJC pay claim are based on our determination to do just that.
“Local government is the only public sector employer with large numbers of employees below the Living Wage. Our lowest paid members of course deserve at least the Living Wage, but everyone on NJC pay is low paid for the job they do compared to the rest of the public sector and the private sector.
“They all deserve the same increase.
“We need all branches, activists and paid officials to involve members and non members on the consultation exercise to kick off a high profile Living Wage campaign in local government and recruit non-members.
“The message is clear: Go out and talk to as many NJC workers as possible to let them know what we want to achieve and get them ready to back UNISON’s campaign! It’s time for the Living Wage.”
Pay claim for local government 2014/15 [word document]