UNISON is calling on its members to support teachers, parents and children at The Deanes School in Thundersley, Essex which is being threatened with closure by Essex County council.
The council claims they are considering closing the school due to depleting admission numbers but UNISON area organiser Mel Carrington reports that “staff at the school have evidence to show this is incorrect.”
Pupils, parents, teachers and staff will be protesting against the closure outside Chelmsford county hall on 30 August from 12noon until 3pm before the council makes its final decision on 2 September. They will be joined by local MP Rebecca Harris who is supporting the campaign along with local TV and press.
Ms Carrington is calling on UNISON members to “show support in any way you can. If you’re available on Friday come along with UNISON t-shirts and banners to show you’re support.
“If you’re not available you can follow us on facebook or twitter or sign our online petition.”
Campaign organiser Sarah Raven, whose children attend the school sent her thanks to UNISON members who were able to help out: “We’re all in this together. It means a lot to the teachers and parents for any support in this horrible madness. We will see you all there.”
Follow the campaign on facebook