As the NHS reaches 65, UNISON, the UK’s largest union, is warning that Tory mismanagement may mean the NHS as we know it does not reach 75.
To celebrate 65 years of publically provided, free at the point of use healthcare, the union will be holding events across the country this week. From birthday cupcakes and evening dances to rallies and speeches, the union will be thanking NHS staff for their life-saving work – see full round-up of regional events below.
The union will also be raising the profile of the huge threats to the health service posed by the Tories. The NHS is being undermined by shrinking budgets as the cost of healthcare rises, the unprecedented demand for huge efficiency savings, job losses and the increasing involvement of private companies. The billions wasted on the chaotic top down re-organisation of the NHS is making a bad situation worse said the union.
To safeguard the NHS for the next 65 years, UNISON is calling for minimum staffing levels to ensure patients and staff are safe, and for decent funding, with the NHS budget properly protected, so it cannot be clawed back by the Treasury. The union is also warning that patients must come before profits, with taxpayers’ money being spent on improving care, not going to enrich the shareholders of private healthcare companies or on employing expensive and unnecessary management consultants.
Christina McAnea, UNISON head of health, said:
“We are deeply concerned that the NHS as we know it will not make its next important milestone. True to form, the Tories are running our health service into the ground. By constantly running down the NHS and its workers, the government is trying to soften up the public mood, so that it can sell the NHS off and cut it to the bone without too much of a fight.
“Unless we act to protect the NHS now, we could face treatment rationing or patients may have to pay top ups for different treatments. We are warning the Tory-led coalition that they will have a fight on their hands when it comes to protecting our NHS.”
Regional events to mark the NHS 65 Birthday
North East London and City Branch – 5 July 2013 – The branch will be visiting as many workplaces as possible to distribute cup cakes and leaflets with a giant birthday card for the NHS.
Guys & St Thomas’ Celebrations – 5 July 2013, St Thomas’ Hospital, London – Recruitment stalls, food and drink, guest speakers and prizes.
5 July 2013, Springfield University Hospital. As well as greeting staff arriving on site at the beginning of the day, the branch will be holding a stall at lunchtime to get patients, members and non members to write a message to the NHS in the extra large birthday card. They will be giving away cupcakes, I love the NHS badges and leaflets.
Kingston Hospital - 5 July 2013 – Recruitment stall with cupcakes, badges and an extra large birthday card.
Mayday University – 5 July 2013 – Recruitment stall with cup cakes, badges and an extra large birthday card.
Croydon Community NHS Celebration Stall - 5 July 2013, Eldridge Road will host an stall with a large birthday cake.
Moorfields Eye Hospital - 5 July 2013 – Recruitment stalls with birthday cup cakes in the Function Hall – a public meeting on the impact of the NHS reforms and also to celebrate the 65th birthday of the NHS
South East
Wednesday 3rd July – East Surrey Hospital – stall with birthday cards, cupcakes.
Thursday 4th July – Crawley Hospital – stall with birthday cards, cupcakes.
Friday 5th July – Horsham Hospital – stall with birthday cards, cupcakes.
Friday 5th July – Milton Keynes Hospital – 9.30am – 2pm - stall – free cake and voucher for hot drink for members and new joiners, birthday card.
Friday 5th July – noon, Bargate. Cake with “Cut the cake, not the NHS” icing on it, balloons, banners, singing and leafleting. One of the local MPs and several councillors will attend the event with health workers and members of the public.
Friday 5th July – 12noon Southampton Bar Gate, A cake to say happy birthday to the NHS will be cut up to represent the carving up of the NHS under the Tories.
Tuesday 9th July – St Peters Hospital – stall with birthday cards, cupcakes.
Tuesday 9th July – Hampshire UNISON are showing Ken Loach’s film ‘The Spirit of ’45’ at the Winchester Discovery Centre – doors open at 7pm. The entry price is free for UNISON members, £5 for non-members.
Wednesday 10th July – Frimley Park Hospital – stall with birthday cards, cupcakes.
NHS Birthday at Royal Berkshire Hospital on Friday 5th July – Stall 8am – 2.30pm with cakes, sweets and birthday wishes to the NHS outside the hospital’s cafeteria.
On July 2 in Basildon Hospital between 10.00 and 16.00 staff will be presenting a cake and a big card for staff.
5 July 2013, Princess Royal Hospital, Farnborough Common – A stall with birthday cake, leaflets and recruitment materials.
Cambridge – UNISON/NHS birthday in Cambridge over the entire weekend from Friday 5 July. Run with Cambridge city council with lots of activities taking place throughout the weekend. There will be several bands playing, a firework display and a huge UNISON tea party for members. Rodney Bickerstaffe, former general secretary of UNISON will be speaking and on the Friday night there will be a special reception hosted by Thompsons Solicitors. There will be a pictorial history of the NHS and 35 members who were born in July 1948 will be presented with a small gift.
South West
On July 3 at Heathlands Hospital in Dorchester between 11.00 and 15.00, the branch will have a stall with cake and information on how to campaign to support the NHS.
3 July – Central Bristol Health – will give members birthday cakes and cupcakes.
4 July – Royal Devon and Exeter UNISON members and people who join the union could get one of 150 cupcakes.
5 July – Torbay health branch will run a competition to win a short break at Croyde. A tea party will be held in their offices with a cake. Smaller cakes will be delivered to community hospitals.
Weston Super Mare - 5 July 2013, Rafters restaurant, Weston Super Mare Hospital – Health workers are invited to come and meet the North Somerset branch and to celebrate the NHS 65th birthday and find out ways we can protect the NHS for the next 65 years.
5 July 2013, Derriford UNISON (Plymouth) is giving out free tickets for JUMP kids indoor play area, priority is given to those who share the NHS’s birthday date. The branch is also holding a cake raffle.
On July 4 at Gloucester Royal Hospital the branch will have a stall with information on how to protect the NHS as well as cupcakes and birthday cakes.
On July 2 at Frenchay and Southmead Hospitals staff will have a recruitment stall with information on how to protect the NHS as well as cakes and cupcakes.
West Midlands
5 July 2013, Birmingham Mental Health NHS FT, The Barberry, Reception Area, 25 Vincent Drive, Edgbaston B15 2FG – Celebrating 65 years of our NHS with a cuppa and cake, and prize draw for £65. Nuneaton Community Celebration – 11-2pm on Wednesday 3 July – a stall in Market Place – Nuneaton Town Centre (opposite Barclays Bank) – will feature a giant cake to share.
UNISON Summer Gala at City Hospital to celebrate 65 Years of the NHS – A Summer City Gala in celebration of NHS achievements over the last 65 years – Friday 5 July 11am – 3 pm – put on by UNISON Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals Branch. The programme of activities for the Summer Gala includes invites to the local community, live music from a local steel band, foods from across the world such as Indian and Caribbean supplied by local businesses, a giant birthday cake and lots more. This is an opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate past experiences, express why the NHS matters so much to them and campaign for its future. The event is open to UNISON members, NHS staff and members of the public.
Staff at Alexander Hospital, Worcester Royal Hospital, Princess of Wales Hospital will be invited to share a piece of birthday cake on Friday 5 July.
North West
5 July 2013, Manchester Town Hall – Rally, Town Hall, Albert Square will feature speakers including UNISON General Secretary, Dave Prentis.
Tameside General- 2 July 2013, Tameside General – There will be a stall with a birthday cake and our Pledge to defend the NHS petition and there will be photo opportunities.
Salford Royal – 4 July 2013, Salford Royal Hospital the branch will have a stall with cakes and a pledge to protect the NHS petition.
5 July 2013, Trafford General Hospital will link up with the TUC’s anti-austerity bus, which will be in the region during the afternoon for a hands around the Hospital event.
5 July 2013, Central Manchester, Oxford Road, There will be a stall with a birthday cake and our Pledge to defend the NHS petition and there will be photo opportunities.
6 July 2013, Greater Manchester West, there will be a stall with a birthday cake and a pledge to defend the NHS petition and there will be photo opportunities.
Demo at Liverpool Royal Hospital on Friday 12noon-2pm a celebration of the NHS with birthday cake and opportunity for staff, visitors and the general public to sign up to UNISON’s 6 principles to defend the NHS.
Pennine Acute 3 July 2013 – come and meet the branch to discuss how we can protect our NHS.
On July 4 between 12.00 and 14.00 at the Sennedd UNISON will host a joint celebration – 65 years of the NHS and 20 years of UNISON Guest speakers will include Dawn Bowden, Cymru / Wales head of health, Mark Drakeford, Welsh health minister, Dave Prentis, UNISON general secretary, Jaselle Williams, Aneurin Bevan’s great niece, Aneira Thomas, first NHS baby, Margaret Thomas, Cymru / Wales regional secretary
5 July 2013, Chapter Arts Centre Cardiff, Market Road. To mark these birthdays the Cymru Wales region will be holding a series of events. One of them is a night of dancing and grooving in the Chapter Arts Centre in Canton, Cardiff. Tickets for event are available for £5 from Chapter Arts <> <> or 0299 2030 4400
Yorkshire and Humberside
4 July 2013, Barnsley Hospital, Gawber Road, Barnsley, S75 2EP – Cake and a big card for NHS staff and support from Dan Jarvis MP between 15.30 and 19.00.
5 July 2013, Main Reception, Sunderland Royal Hospital – We will be presenting a cake and a big card for staff at Barnsley hospital.
South Tyneside District Hospital: 11-2.00pm: Restaurant with polystyrene birthday cake and card to get public to sign.
NTW: St. Nicholas’s Hospital: Canteen from 9.00am Birthday card.
Newcastle: RVI Hospital: will have a stall on Victoria Wing at the top of the escalator at 10.30am.
Newcastle Monument: 4-6.00pm – where members of the public will be asked to sign the birthday card.