Patients, staff and the local community must continue to have their views genuinely listened to and acted on, when deciding on the long term future of local health services in and around Mid Staffordshire said UNISON, the UK’s largest health union, today.
The Trust Special Administrators recommended dissolving the Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust and downgrading critical care, maternity and paediatric services. UNISON welcomes the recognition of the need for stability of services in the locality, and the clear intention that most patients should continue to receive care in the same place.
Sara Gorton, UNISON Deputy Head of Health, said:
“Staff have worked hard to turn around the hospital and it now has one of the best performing A&E departments in the country, and there is a solid case for it to remain open.
“Major changes often have a knock on effect on other services and we are concerned about the impact of changes on already stretched local ambulance services. However, we are pleased that the Administrators have not made any snap decisions and have set aside time for a full consultation. With such a long lead in time they need to be aware of the danger that uncertainty for staff and patients may lead to erosion of the service before time, as people leave for more secure employment.
“Today’s High Court decision over the future of Lewisham hospital must act as a warning to the Government to listen to local people and not to ride roughshod over their views. Today’s announcement sends another warning that financial constraints on the NHS are forcing decisions that may not be in the best long-term interests of the local community.
“We are committed to working with managers and to putting forward the union’s recommendations in the best interest of patients, staff and the community.”