“At a time when public services are paying the price of the bankers, our members need more support than ever,” Margaret Fulham of Bury branch told UNISON’s local government conference in Liverpool.
But Tory councillors, she noted, are reacting to this by “indulging in political tricks” and attacking union stewards’ and branches’ facility time, egged on by the government – particularly local government secretary Eric Pickles – and ideologues in the right-wing press, alongside groups like the so-called Tax Payers’ Alliance.
Conference vowed to defend facility time agreements when they are under attack by employers and support branches facing those attacks.
And this is a vital issue for the union, said service group executive speaker Glen Pickersgill: “Lay officials are the bedrock of our union. The SGE needs to campaign and stand four-square behind branches faced with facility time-cuts.
“This is an attack on organised labour and on all our branches. It is vital that we defend and represent our members. We need to stay strong and stay united.”