‘Yes, we still need you, still need to feed you, now you’re 65!’
UNISON George Eliot Hospital invites NHS workers, patients and the community to a 1948 style tea party with land girls, period uniformed staff, vintage coaches and rations!
Join them outside the GETECH building on Friday 28 June between 11am and 3pm.
UNISON GEH branch secretary Dawn Downes, said
“Our tea party celebrates the achievements of the NHS over 65 years. In 1948, a time of great austerity our country’s leaders had the vision to give birth to a new and pioneering national health service, one that has served us well and is still the envy of the world today.
“The NHS maybe 65 years old on 5 July 2013, but is far from retiring; yes we still need it and yes we still need to feed it!
“On Friday UNISON invites people to experience rationing in 2013 by picking up a ration book and exchanging it at our vintage stall for a sandwich, cup of tea, jam tart and 1d worth of sweets.”
Edna Hall, UNISON regional organiser, added
“We are really proud to be able to play a part in celebrating the NHS at 65 years of age with George Eliot Hospital NHS staff.
“In the sentiments of the great man and founder, Nye Bevan, we realise that ‘The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it’ – we have that faith and a vision worth fighting for… one that will deliver the community in and around Nuneaton continued good quality health services which are local and free at the point of need. They deserve nothing less.”