Tories playing ‘anti-union card’

TODAY’S Independent reports: “The British government is targeting trade unions in proposed legislation for a register of political lobbyists to be brought forward within the next few weeks. The bill is to include measures that could make it harder for trade unions to take strike action or support candidates in election campaigns. The bill will also require unions to carry out an annual audit of their membership and demonstrate that the figures they produce are accurate, Downing Street said.

In response, Karen Jennings, UNISON Assistant General Secretary, said:

“These proposals are typical of the Tories playing the same tired old anti-union card.  They want to divert attention away from themselves and parliamentary sleaze by turning their fire on the trade union movement.

“We are not lobbyists so we have no place in a Bill about lobbyists. What trade unions do is give a democratic voice to ordinary people like nurses, paramedics, teaching assistants, librarians and dinners ladies.  

“What we do is above board and transparent and are there to give working people a voice.“