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Local government part-time workers survey

Local government members urged to complete survey to help UNISON with its Part-Time Matters campaign

UNISON believes there must be a “culture change” that will achieve greater recognition of the contribution part-time working makes to all levels of local government.

The union wants equal treatment for its part-time members, including equal pay for work of equal value, equal rights to bonus and other pay enhancements, equal access to fair pensions and equal access to quality training and promotion.

The local government service group has produced a part-time workers survey, as part of the local government part-time matters campaign. The aim is to find out how much members/non-members working part-time in local government have been affected by cuts or unequal treatment. And the results will assist UNISON in developing a negotiating, campaigning and organising agenda.

Local government part-time workers are urged to complete the survey. It can be downloaded here. Or complete a paper version : LG Part time workers survey.

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