UNISON is keen to know your views of working life in today’s health service, including your perspective on such key areas as pay, working conditions, staffing levels, training, hours and morale.
In previous years over 10,000 UNISON members across all sectors of the health service have taken part in this annual survey, which has enabled UNISON to vocalise the impact of the financial crisis upon our members and the NHS services that they deliver every day.
We would be extremely grateful if you could take the time to complete an on-line survey:
With around twenty-thousand NHS staff earning less than the Living Wage, and NHS pay failing to keep pace with rising living costs, UNISON is keen to demonstrate to policy-makers, the media and the public that your pay matters to you and to the communities you are part of.
This survey will play a vital part in UNISON’s submission to the NHS Pay Review Body, which makes recommendations on your future pay awards.
The survey should take little more than 10 minutes to complete and all responses are anonymous.
Thanks for helping us to maximise the input of staff views from across the NHS in putting our case to the review body.