<p>Pay talks with the local government employers continue. Please bear in mind that these also have an impact on schools staff in local authority schools but also in academies and free schools.</p>
<p>After the rejection of the two‘options’ in their first pay offer, the Local Government Employers (LGE) came back to us with a final offer in writing on 25 April.<br /> <br />The revised offer is:</p>
<li>1% on all pay points from 1 April 2013;</li>
<li>deletion of scale point 4 (the bottom pay point) from 1 October 2013.</li>
<p>The impact of the offer on each scale point can be seen in the indicative scales attached.<br /> <br />There are around 28,000 employees – mostly women working part-time – on scale point 4, who would move onto the revised scale point 5 in October.</p>
<p>This would mean a 1% increase for them between April and 30 September and a further 1.4% increase on 1 October. Overall they would move from £6.30 to£6.45</p>
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