The number of newly qualified nurses and midwives with debts of over £10,000 has more than doubled in 2 years according to a joint survey conducted by UNISON, the UKÕs largest health union, and Nursing Times, the best selling nursing weekly. In 2003 6% of students had debts of £10,000 or more but today a new survey of 2,000 nursing students revealed that figure has risen to 14% for newly qualified nurses.
The students are caught in a spiral of debt despite working long hours to supplement their bursaries, and this has led to 56% saying they have considered chucking in their training because of financial hardship.
UNISON wants the government to reintroduce employment and salary status for student nurses and midwives – a measure supported by 94% of those surveyed.
Dave Prentis, UNISON General Secretary said Ò It is shocking to see how fast the level of debt is rising and extremely worrying for newly qualified nurses who are facing an uncertain future burdened by long-term debt.
ÒIt is stressful for the students and cannot be good for patient care if they are being cared for by someone who is working more than 50 hours a week.
ÒThere is a global shortage of nurses and midwives and the Government should be doing more to reverse this trend and encourage more people into nursing. Giving student nurses a salary would be an enormous incentive and allow them to concentrate on their studies and placements, instead of being forced to work long hours to supplement their bursary. Ò
A newly qualified nurse can expect to earn around £18,000 a year and so paying off large debts will take a long time. The age profile of student nurses is also changing with just 20% coming straight from school. 40% of students had either pre-school or school ages children and 14% had caring responsibilities for elderly or long term sick and disabled relatives.
Holly Derrick is half way through her 2nd year of nurse training at the West of England University, she said:
ÒI am fortunate because I get a full bursary of around £460 a month, but I have to work at a nursing home to earn the extra cash to get me through my studies.
ÒIf I can I try and work a double shift, which means a 12 hour day but gives me a free day to try and relax. Your feet ache and I am very tired and it is hard to do your best for the patients by the end of the shift , but I need to work to survive financially.
ÒA lot of people I know on the course have kids and they have been forced to give up full time training and move to a part-time course. ItÕs just not financially viable to train full time and take care of the children on a bursary.Ó
Key survey facts
* 26% of nursing students worked an additional 11 – 15 hours,
* 20% worked 16 – 20 hours
* 7% worked in excess of 21 hours a week.
97% of students had debts
* 14% of newly qualified nurses had debts of over £10,000
* 18% reported debts of between £9,999 and £5,000
* 13% between £4,999 and £3,000
* 24% between £2,999 and £1,000
64% said that having a second job was essential but had a detrimental effect on their studies.