“Good news for nurses” says UNISON after dangerous chemical withdrawn

UNISON, the UK’s largest health union, today

welcomed the withdrawal of the

disinfecting agent Cidex from hospitals, hailing the

move as very good news

for nurses’ health and the NHS.

Jon Richards, UNISON’s national health and safety

officer for health staff,said:

“Too many nurses have been lost to the NHS and many

valuable years of experience wasted, because of

exposure to glutaraldehyde. There is no ‘safe’

level of exposure and no place for it in hospitals today.

It is well knownthat it can irritate the skin, eyes, throat

and lungs. I am delighted to hear that it will be

withdrawn from hospitals.

“Over the years UNISON has campaigned long and

hard to get the substance banned. We have taken

many claims for compensation for nurses who have

hadtheir careers needlessly cut short and their

livesblighted by asthma and other health problems,

through working with glutaraldehyde in operating
