Eager to vote in this year’s NEC elections, but wondering why your ballot paper hasn’t arrived? Pandemic post still a bit wayward? If so, then help is at hand.
UNISON’s ballot helpline has opened today (Thursday 13 May), to ensure that no member loses their chance to vote in the union’s most important election.
Voting is already underway and ends on 27 May. So everyone should have received their ballot paper by now. If that’s not the case, individuals can simply contact the helpline and request a new one.
The helpline, operated by UNISONdirect, is the latest tool that we hope will help members take part in this crucial election in the life of the union.
As general secretary Christina McAnea puts it: “The national executive council is arguably the most important group of people at the union. It decides what kind of union UNISON is – nothing short of that.”
The NEC makes key decisions on your behalf and, every two years, the whole membership votes and decides which fellow members will represent them.
That’s why we want to ensure that as many vote as possible – so that the union is as representative of the whole membership as it can be, not just a small minority.
And with the union, like the country as a whole, busily steering its way out of the pandemic, the council’s work is as important as ever.
“I’m asking you to start getting involved and begin our post-COVID work as a union by voting in these elections,” adds Ms McAnea. “So that we can get the very best, most representative NEC to work on your behalf.”
So if you’re without a paper, don’t be deterred.
When calling the helpline, members should endeavour to have their membership number to hand. The telephone number is: 0800 0 857 857. Lines are open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday. Members with hearing difficulties can use textphone 0800 0 967 968.
The latest point at which members can request a ballot paper is 12 noon on 20 May.
The helpline is for queries from individual members only. If a branch believes there is a wide-scale problem with receipt of ballot papers amongst its members – for example if whole departments or geographical areas have not received ballot papers – then it should contact its regional office.