Blog: Why we’re fighting on over sleep-in payments

Last month the Court of Appeal delivered a ruling that was a hammer blow for thousands of care workers who work sleep-in shifts. The court has denied them the hourly minimum pay that is the very least that they deserve.

In the aftermath of that ruling, we made a commitment to those care workers – and everyone affected by this landmark case – that we would keep fighting for what is right. That includes continuing to fight on in the highest court in the land – the Supreme Court.

Today I’m pleased so say that we have asked the Supreme Court for leave to appeal against the Court of Appeal’s decision. I know – and everyone who understands the work these care workers do, knows – that sleep-in shifts are working time and must be paid that way. If you’re not allowed to leave your place of work, are obliged to be away from your home and family, if you’re up and down all night caring for those in real need, then you’re at work and you should be paid for it.

The Supreme Court will now decide whether they grant us the right to appeal against the July decision by the Court of Appeal – and we’re hopeful that they’ll agree to hear our case. If they do, you have my personal commitment that every necessary resource from our union will be used in an effort to win another landmark case for working people in the Supreme Court.

Like on the Employment Tribunal Fees case, we believe that we have a strong case, with both the facts and what’s right on our side – and that’s why we’re fighting on.