By now, school support staff across our union will either have left their schools for the summer, or be getting ready to do so as the long school year comes to a close.
Working in schools can be hugely rewarding – but it’s also incredibly hard work and doesn’t always come with the support and thanks that such vital work deserves. Teachers undoubtedly do great work in our schools, but they aren’t the only educators.
Teaching Assistants play a vital role in the modern classroom, building a learning environment that supports all children and helping everyone to reach their potential.
Caretakers, cleaners, catering staff, technicians, exams officers administrators and many others create and maintain the school environment, building the platform upon which teaching happens.
Quite simply – without school support staff, schools couldn’t function.
So on behalf of UNISON’s 1.3 million members, I want to take this opportunity to thank school support staff for everything you’ve done for our nation’s children this year.
Our union will continue to fight for the pay you need and the support and respect your work deserves. The Stars in Our Schools campaign will once again showcase the incredible difference that you make. And as our union celebrates our 25th birthday, we will continue to keep school members where they have always been in UNISON – at the heart of our union.