Tomorrow, UNISON will be in the House of Commons, making the case for proper nursery funding.
Over the years, UNISON has led the campaign against closures to nurseries, sure start centres and early-years services. Tomorrow, that fight continues, with UNISON members in Salford bringing together three of their local MPs to lobby them on nursery cuts and closures.
UNISON stands by our members in Salford who are fighting to keep services going. We all know that early-years education has come under extreme pressure across the country as a result of austerity economics. Yet at the same time, these are vital services that have a profound impact on the lives of children and their families.
Our position is the same it has always been. No to closures. No to cuts. No to job losses.
This Tory government have sought to trash early-years support by failing to support itnationally or provide the necessary resources to local authorities.
Now that government needs to hear the message loud and clear – it’s time to fund early-years properly. The future of our country depends on it.