Blog: Coming together for the benefit of our members

Today it was a pleasure to visit Halton, where the council became the latest local authority to sign up to our Ethical Care Charter. In recent months, there have been a number of councils – different sizes and in different parts of the country – who have signed our charter, guaranteeing decent pay for care workers and a decent standard of care for those who need it.

Afterwards I spoke with Branch Chair David Owen, Branch Secretary Paula Barker (who is also the North West convenor) and members of the branch. It was great to speak with such dedicated UNISON activists about the work they do supporting members in their branch, dealing with a wide variety of issues in so many different workplaces every single day.

Their dedication is just one example of the brilliant work that branch activists do, the heartbeat of our union that keeps us strong. The passion they have for their colleagues, friends and fellow members was really inspiring.

Yet the great thing about our union is that this kind of dedication is replicated by so many of you across our union. Working tirelessly, volunteer UNISON activists stand by our members at the toughest of times, when it can sometimes feel like there is nowhere left to turn.

Different people from different professions and backgrounds, all with different skills, coming together, pooling their resources and their energy for the benefit of all UNISON members and the services they provide. That’s what our union is about when it’s at it’s best. That’s what I saw in Halton today.

And that’s what makes me so proud of our union.