The general election on 8 June is one of the most important votes our country has had in a generation.
The stakes are incredibly high, and every single vote could make a difference. Only by voting can you directly determine who represents you in Parliament.
That’s the Parliament that will have its say on what Brexit looks like.
That’s the Parliament that will decide what your rights at work are.
That’s the Parliament that will define the pay and conditions of UNISON members.
That’s the Parliament that will either entrench austerity or end it.
But you can only have your say on that Parliament if you’re registered to vote. Voter registration closes at 23.59 tonight (22 May) – if you’re not registered by then you’ll lose your say, and the future of the country will be in someone else’s hands.
Register right now at:
The future of our public services are at stake, and with them, the jobs, pay and lives of all UNISON members. If you’re reading this then those are things you care about. So register to vote – and stand up for public services.