Young workers need affordable public transport: opposing the rise in the bus fare cap

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2024 National Young Members' Conference
20 November 2024

Conference notes that, according to research from the University of the West of England, over half of 16-24 year olds use buses every week and two thirds of this age group do not have access to a car. For many young workers in public services, buses are essential as a cheap, convenient and environmentally friendly way to commute.

Conference regrets the UK Government’s announcement on 29 October 2024 that the £2 single bus fare cap introduced in January 2023 in England will end in December 2024, to be replaced by a £3 cap until the end of 2025. This represents potentially a 50% increase in bus fares which is likely to hit young workers harder than most.

Conference notes that the £2 cap was a successful policy which helped to increase the number of people using buses, with passenger journeys rising 19.3% in the year ending March 2023 and continuing to rise since according to government statistics.

Conference recognises the benefits of providing free travel for young people, as has been done for under-22s in Scotland (the YoungScot scheme) and believes that the possibility of Britain-wide extension of a similar scheme should be investigated as a matter of urgency. Conference also welcomes the announcement by the Mayor of Greater Manchester than the cap will remain unchanged at £2 in that area, and calls on other local government politicians to take a similar approach.

Conference resolves to oppose the raising of the single bus fare cap and calls on the National Young Members Forum to:

1)Survey young members on their use of public transport and how much it costs in an average month;

2)Work with the National Executive Council and UNISON’s Labour Link to raise the profile of these important issues and aim to influence government policy, taking into account UNISON’s devolution protocols;

3)Campaign for safe, sustainable and affordable public transport for all young workers, especially those working unsociable hours, including the possibility of free public transport for young people;

4)Encourage Regional Young Members Forums to campaign locally for cheaper, more reliable public transport.